Webisode 1: Consciousness

[Backspace count : 2798.]
I've been trying to figure out how to use Snapchat for the past hour. I also want to be a part of the “Snap gang” or “Snap crew” or whatever it is you cool kids call yourselves. I want to be a part of that. I have so many cool ideas for my snaps too! I'm going to be a Snapchat whore for at least a month. Just as soon as I figure out how to use it.
I want to speak about consciousness.
I thought this was going to be easier but, I've hit the backspace button so many times in the last hour alone. Writer's block perhaps? Or, it could be the fact that I've been extremely distracted over the last I don't know, 23 years.
I want to speak about consciousness. [Backspace count : 3298.]
How do you speak of something you don't understand fully yourself? How do you write about it? What is consciousness? What does it mean to be conscious? When you say you're conscious of something, what do you really mean? Is it just in your thoughts? Is that what consciousness is? Thoughts? Or could it be something else?
[Backspace count : 4367.]
When last did you last pay your conscious attention? We go through the phases of life concerned with everything else but our true selves. Money, school, sex, alcohol, snapchat. With every passing day we seem to let go of something important. The divine. The conscious.
[Backspace count : 4476.]
“Today a young man realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.”
Nitty Scott, MC [Interlude] from Generation now(Psychedelic Little Buddha)
I want to speak about consciousness. [Backspace count : 4482.]
“We are the imagination of ourselves.”
I want to speak about consciousness. [Backspace count : 4498.]
“First become conscious of your conscious. And in that very becoming, in that very silence – when you are only conscious of your consciousness and not of any other content – no thought, no desire, no dream – you are just conscious of your being conscious, the mirror is reflecting itself and nothing else... in that moment, something IMMENSELY mirraclous happens. You become aware of the divine, you become aware of the essential core of your being.”
Osho, The Guest Chapter 15.
“You become aware of the divine, you become aware of the essential core of your being.”
Our generation has a lot to fix. We have a lot more to figure out though. Education is great, but don't we want to learn more? Who's going to teach us this 'more' I speak of? Uhm, we are.
[Backspace count : 5012]
Go find your consciousness. We'll figure out the rest together over the next couple of weeks.
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Mzwa Thx Contributor :)